Dopey hero concept


Stars: :star:
Entrance: Dopey walks in and takes his hat off, then puts it back on
Defeat: dopey puts his hand behind his back and kicks the ground
Victory: dopey smiles proudly
Role: Tank
Position: mid-line
Team trial: Red


Basic attack: dopey hits them with a pic axe

White skill: around the mine in 80 days
Dopey hops in a minecart and goes through the enemy team 4 times dealing x damage per time

Green skill: Hei ho
Dopey sings for 8 seconds and heals his allies

Blue skill: Pant Stomper
:sparkles: fantastic damage
Dopey pulls his pants up high and holds them there while stomping on enemies for 10 seconds

Purple skill: Power of the little
Passive: Adds 3 seconds to “hei ho”
Adds x damage to “around the mine in 80 days”

Red skill: Hard worker
Passive: adds 2.5 seconds to “pant stomper”
Adds x damage to “around the mine in 80 days”
Adds 4 seconds to “hei ho”

**Friendships **

The little guys
(Mickey and dopey y’all about being little”

Learn to talk
(Joy tries time teach dopey to talk)

It is not finished. Please finish before posting!

I know, I’m sorry for that. I miss clicked and I hit post when I wasn’t done, but it’s complete now!


Dopey can’t talk, he whistles instead

But other than that, it’s alright. Joy and Dopey could be friends, I guess.

Right…forgot, I will switch it thanks.

And can you tell me why you chose joy?

Because Joy is talkative in the movie and dopey can’t talk, so it’s based on opposites. Joy can try to teach Dopey to talk since he never tried. We know he is capable of making noises, but not talking.

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This is a lot better! Try to add an image of the hero so people know who this is. I do, but someone might not.

Yeah, people really under appreciate this movie and just don’t watch it. This is the original movie, so yes, I’d add a picture.

Who is Dopey? Where is the image of him?

He’s from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Ok guys, thanks for your advice. I will take it! especially @Imagineer_V

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