E4 Edna Mode (for you David šŸ˜‰)

hero: Edna

stars: 3

ā€œEdna Modeā€¦ And guestā€

White: No capes
Edna throws capes at enemies inflicting ā€œcapedā€ for 10 seconds. which causes enemies to be pulled to the back and take X more damage from all sources.

ā€œCapedā€ has a chance to fail on enemies above level X

Green: temperatures over 1,000 degrees
Fire lights up the closest enemy with fire dealing true damage for 3 seconds.

Blue: BlackBerry lavender
BlackBerry lavender falls on a random ally healing X hp and cleansing it from disables and/or Debuffs.

The cleanse has a chance to fail on allies above level X

purple: itā€™s a hobo suit
Whenever An Ally has a Debuff heal it 5% hp

This has a chance to fail on allies above level X

Role: support
Position: back


Edna/Jack Jack
Edna gains X max hp
BlackBerry lavender grants 75 Ɨ S Energy

Edna/Mr. Incredible
Edna gains X basic damage
Itā€™s a hobo suit has a 20% Ɨ S Chance to Cleanse Debuffs or Disables



Inspired by @Champion_David and @PawpsicleSticks


Any Edna Mode concept is good in my books!!

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Iā€™d like to see Edna in the game, but not as a playable character. Instead, as the operator of a new store of sorts, where you can make beneficial changes to your heroā€™s/villains costumes.

She could have a wide range of modifications, that would cost a significant fee. There would be the standard defense, reality, skill power, etc., but Iā€™m thinking more situational modifications, Iā€™ll use the current arena trend as an example.

Thermal-weave: gives the wearer 50% damage reduction and resistance to frost based skills. Takes 25% more damage from fire based skills.

The potential is huge for customization, and with multiple costumes coming into play, opens up the ability to have a set of armor tailored for specific situations.

Added to my list of dreams for this game. Right up there with my Goliath and Bronx character designs.


Dude, really? Her white, green, and blue skills are nearly identical with the ones I made. Plagiarism isnā€™t cool. The least you couldā€™ve done is cited me.

EDIT: Alright, issue resolved. Thanks for adding the citation. Iā€™m glad my concept was good enough to inspire someone elseā€™s work :rofl:

I noticed but I thought I would let you fight your own battles :wink:

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You remembered it?? :open_mouth: :smiley:

Psh yah! As if I forget concepts for my favorite heroes :wink:

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I changed the green skill

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