Name: Edna Mode (of course)
Star rank:
Role: Support Backline
Character quote: “I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."
Edna’s stats would be focused on high armor and reality, because let’s be honest, she’d make herself a super “outfit” if she knew she was coming into battle. But to compensate she would have low tenacity and average HP and basic attack. Her basic attack stat would be used in a skill since she won’t have an actual attack.
White skill: " Luck favors the prepared."
Passive: instead of attacking, Edna works with her team to fortify their abilities. This skill adds xx energy per “attack” (The value is increased based on basic damage. Imagine Felix’s heal skill but for energy gain)
Animation: Edna scribbling notes on a note pad as she observes her teammates
Active: Edna tests out the durability of her enemy’s suits. She calls down all of her suit testing machines to attack the enemy using fire and bullets (how she tests Jack-jack’s suit in 1)
Animation: guns and flamethrowers come down from the top of the screen and fire.
Green skill: " It will be bold! Dramatic! Heroic!"
Edna creates a super suit for each member of the team, temporarily increasing reality and armor for x time"
Animation: Edna pulls out a suit from behind her back and grins.
Blue skill: “No capes!”
Edna outfits the enemy team with capes. She tosses a bundle of capes at the enemy causing them to stumble and be stunned for x seconds (low value, like 2?)
Animation: Edna grabs a bundle of capes and tosses them at the enemy, the bundle breaks apart on impact and clutters the ground.
Purple skill: “Pull yourself together!”
Edna’s green skill also targets the teammate with the lowest health and modifies their suit to reduce incoming damage by x% for x seconds.
Victory pose:
So Edna will be 100% support except for her active white skill. I think this idea suits her character, she helps the heroes fight rather than fighting herself.
Partners: The idea is to increase her defenses even more, either armor or reality, by giving you a choice of which one.
Jack-jack: Edna uses her notes from creating his suit to enhance her own armor even more. She also uses the information on Jack-jack’s dividing power to spread to effects of her purple skill.
Icon: Cookie
+Armor per level
Edna’s purple skill now adds an additional target, now 2 teammates gain a damage reduction and the duration increases by x seconds more (per star)
Violet: Edna’s study of violet allows her to create a shield of energy included in every suit. She uses it for herself to increase her reality.
Icon: Notepad and pencil
+Reality per level
Edna’s purple skill now changes. Instead of lowering the amount of damage a teammate receives, now when she activates her green skill it adds a shield to all allies with xx health for xx seconds.
I’ll edit this more later