Elimination Game

Now Genie… next Rapunzel! :green_salad:

Also Musk: Votes where Dash votes :thinking:
Vote someone else, dont let this happen!

Oh, I want Genie to be kicked.


Sounds like a cult :thinking:

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anyone who supports voting off Genie is part of a cult and must be eliminated!


Dishonor on all who voted her out! DIS! HONOR!

(Also, @Musketeer, if the great people must go, then why haven’t you voted for Hiro?!)


He isn’t G R E A T.

No, please let Hiro win

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He’s underrated!!!

Hiro must lose. Disgust is gone. So Hiro must be gone as well

Good, he deserves that, oh as for me… he even is overrated.

you’re triggering me

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who else wants Hiro still here?

LOL with the tie XD

You voted for Disgust… That is unacceptable… Now Hiro shall go down with Genie after this round! :pouting_cat:

The winner is the lamest of them all.
Hiro for win.

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Well boys, we did it. The tie is no more.

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Had to use my alt account because I just lost my old one they use different google play games accounts. I’m not going to vote on this alt because that would be cheating.

How did you lose it?

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Kinda off topic… probably should take it to a pm

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