Elimination Game

Yes, thank you for supporting Hiro.

Can anyone tell me who’s winning because it only shows the results on vote and I’m not alloud to vote

First, we take out Genie. And then, we come for Hiro…

#disgustsrevenge #letmegwin


No, that’s quite opposite.

The winner is the TRUE loser, as the greatest are getting eliminated and only bad ones are staying.
Hiro’s “victory” will mean he is the worst :wink:

musk, stop it

get some help


Genie is currently losing! :grinning: :+1:

By losing do you mean in the lead and is going to get voted out

Hiro must get that L on his forehead.

So, if Hiro wins, he is considered bad forever? :frowning_face:

Yes, and nothing will change that!

But don’t worry… he already is.

Yes. That’s how most Elimination Games work :upside_down_face:

No, Hiro must be good!

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Genie is tied I think

…musk, ever since della got eliminated you’ve been more broken than ever

snap out of it



Everything is good and NOR MAL!

If good ones are getting out the loser must stay in… and win the crown of the lamest of the lamest!
Bhahaha! :laughing:

Crown for Hiro!

nor mal


nor mal :ok_hand:


It’s the new nor mal way of saying what was once “normal”

shhhh! you’re making it worse!

Even Phal agrees.

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