Elimination Game

Finally someone understands me

No Genie should be out right now, but if Hiro is your first choice to eliminate you are welcome to move your vote from Maleficent to Hiro

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Let me think about itā€¦ :thinking:


:grinning: :+1:


Hiro the lame one.

But now to eliminate that useless Genie which canā€™t grants wishes!


Yes, Eliminating Genie > Eliminating Hiro

Simple Maths

I now change my vote to genie, who got 2 poor competitors eliminated!

What did genie ever do wrong to all of you? :frowning:

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Nothing. There are just much better characters than him, like Hiro. :grin:


This I guess

He won the wizards round undeserved. Elsa or Ian should have won.

And my love for Hiro doesnā€™t need clarification.

Im telling you to vote Mailifient not Hiro lol

can you clarify how much you love hiro

Wowā€¦things are really getting heated up here!

Speaking of which, Iā€™m rooting for Mushu just because. :fire:

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I had no idea World War III would be caused by a prodigy, a green role model, the duck, a princess, a blue guy, a dragon or something, a magic green thing, a girl with magic hair, and another girl, but without the magic hair.

Honestly better than I expected.


ā€¦thing? THING?! Disgust is not. A. THING!!!

Sheā€™sā€¦ a :sparkles: role model :sparkles:

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A Duck!? Did you just call Della a normal boring Duck!?!?!? She is THE Duck!


Meg is NOT a damsel in distress. Hades put her in that situation cause of this stupid guy or boyfriend she had. She made a deal with Hades to save his life and what does he do in returnā€¦ move on to another girl. :rage: Meg had the kindness to do that and the price was her own neck because she now had to work for Hades!

For once I agree with Djaq.

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I just got attacked by three different people :smiley:


You deserve it :triumph:


And then theres me who has never watched big hero six (both movie and show), kim possible, or gravity falls :joy:

Dont worry, your being backed up by one :+1:

2 actually :upside_down_face:

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