Elimination Game

Two alts voted for Maleficent (both joined just an hour ago when I’m writing this). I would say that they shouldn’t be counted @Irrer-Minnie and that Genie is rightfully gone

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Maybe not rightfully, because Minnie themselves voted for Genie

Minnie is a long and respected member of our Forums. I wouldn’t see why he hasn’t got the right to vote here? Dash also votes in his own elimination game, and so does LGDB.

Nothing wrong with it I would say


Huh, I didn’t know that, good point though

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It’s only a game about preferences so there’s no reason for Minnie’s vote not to count


Hiro, your time will come

Alts counts are voting of maleficent

…we know :expressionless:

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Sorry I’m late…

So we finally got rid of that blue spirit thing…

And that means we’re down to our Top 5!!!
Here you go:

Round 7:

  • Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
  • Maleficent (Maleficent)
  • Megara (Hercules)
  • Mushu (Mulan)
  • Rapunzel (Tangled)

0 voters

excuse me?

Hooray! Now Meg or Maleficent next!

Hiro … time to leave.

Robin Williams is spinning in his grave like a top.

First a big blue giant, now a blue spirit. What do wrong with you people?!

I put is, I guess it auto corrected it :man_shrugging:

What did you just say?

Nothing. Those words mean nothing.

Time to ignore them then.

Nothing. These words mean nothing.

Hiro must leave.

He can after Mal.

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