Elimination Game


And Dash does not deserve to be in the game


If anyone ever does a “most OP characters” Elimination Game… then Dash would automatically win…



No, Wasabi would

No, Ralph would!!! :angry:


Yes, he is the best character of the game.

Ok no lol :joy::joy::joy:

@Musketeer :eyes:

see guys? instead of saying something dumb like dash or codemore, he said something correct. he knows his facts. #nerfralph

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Yax would win

Lumiere would win

Captain Salazar would win. Not that ugly candle man.



Is this game still going or not?

It is. Sometimes they don’t do rounds daily :upside_down_face:


Yes, I’m quite busy… I hope I’ll be able to do a round today…

Sorry for being so late… I’m Currently pretty busy… :grimacing: Due to time issues I am putting up a tiebreaker poll here, if I had already planned out my next round, I wouldn’t. I hope you can understand that! :kissing_heart:

So who should be eliminated?

  • Megara (Hercules)
  • Rapunzel (Tangled)

0 voters

And please list all of your ideas and wishes for a new round here, this post is gonna be made a wiki. It must be DHBM or Disney related (Marvel and Star Wars do count. :sparkling_heart:

Rounds we would like to see: :slightly_smiling_face:

Disney animal characters.

Renaissance Era sequel elimination (The Little Mermaid 2, ect)

First-To-Leave Characters

Disney’s Dark Age characters/movies

Dhbm Tank Characters

Fairy Tales/Books hat deserve to be a Disney Movie

Marvel/MCU Villains.

Pixar villains

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Do I put it in your comment?

Edit the wiki to have a round you want…

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I honestly think that it would be a nice change for a elimination game.

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