Fairy Godmother hero concept

Ok. Thanks very much @Imagineer_V
I’ll switch some stuff in there

Would you want to be added to my concept PM? It might help you learn some things to improve even more!


I would love that! Please do!

Fixed it. Is it now exciting enough for you @Imagineer_V?

YES! So much better. Also very very funny too!

I suck at those. Do you mind suggesting?

Thank you! Lol, it is funny

Sure! I recommend she gains:
+X Skill Power
+X Basic Damage
+X Damage dealt in “Pumpkin Carriage”

Alright! Thanks! I will add those in there

This is in red skill right?

Yep. They get these with the red skill. I always think about the role they are and what they might need more of based on their skill set.

Alrighty, thanks!
Can you also check the new blue skill and the friendship name?

Sure! I might be able to suggest another friendship as well. I like the skill, but maybe the dress charms an enemy instead by the beauty of the dress?

As for friendships, I have nothing right now.

Oh sweet! Thanks!

How does a dress freeze you?

Uh…idk…I just chose that for some reason. My bad. What should I make it then? I’m open to all ideas :slight_smile:

Maybe she can drop a pumpkin on them and stun them

Ah ok! I’ll make it that. Thank you @Disney-Fan!!

Don’t forget Magic Is Key

Oh right. Thank you

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