Feedback on Future Heroes!

So, you’re saying they’re coming?

I don’t know.

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Cars aren’t coming.

Besides a lot of other franchises are still not here either.


I’m hoping that this statement is OFFICIAL.
Because what Wave said made me confused. :confused:

Black Cauldron character

Sorry but it’s not misinformation , as shared this time and time again. It’s been stated by perblue already.

Now they (meaning perblue and Disney) can still change their minds on this, but feel it’s the opposite of purell chance

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Disney made the movie, but they didn’t own the copyright to the character Tarzan.

The actual owners of the copyright decided Disney could no longer use their version of the character and therefore, neither can PerBlue.

So, to recap, DisneyTarzan will never be in this game.


How? How did you get that out of what I said?
No, that’s not what I said at all.
I’m saying it’s not impossible. It’s just not currently likely. For a variety of reasons. That I and many others have explained on numerous occasions.

Nope. I don’t work at Perblue. Musk doesn’t work at Perblue. Captain C doesn’t work at Perblue. That is why I always feel the need to remind everyone Cars CAN happen. We have no idea what’s happening at Perblue. The last official statement regarding Cars was 9 months ago. A lot can change in that amount of time and we have no way of knowing and shouldn’t act like we do.

Like I said. The source is old enough at this point it isn’t reliable anymore. It’s a good indicator not to get your hopes up, certainly. But that was really just indication Cars wasn’t coming in 2023. I still don’t really expect Cars in 2024 but because of the known development cycle we learned about from Kim and Kermit it’s a possibility that Perblue has picked back up development on Cars characters. Like I said. It’s possible. Just maybe not probable.

Now can we stop doing this once a week? I’m tired of it.


As some of us forumers are with people asking will this ip be coming, will this ip be coming. Just wait till the toons actually get announced

Regardless on who did what, the bottom line is that people don’t seem to understand that there are going to be problems. If there’s a sizing problem, there’s a sizing problem. And these things take time. So, no amount of pleading is going to magically fix it.

The best you can do is remain calm and show a little patience. I’m sure that you have better things to do other than pacing the floor and waiting for your characters to come and asking for them constantly if they don’t get here fast enough.

Meanwhile, those on the other side of these sorts of arguments are no better. I for one am getting really tired of the nitpicking and naysaying. It very suffocating

The idea of a crossover is all about the enjoyment of your favorite characters to meet one another and interact with each other, fight side by side, and maybe learn a thing or two from each other. The only limits in these types of things is the imagination. But, some people just don’t see it that way. They like to either nitpick or naysay saying stuff like “they can’t come because of this” or “they won’t come because of that”. I’m sure that the wishers find this just as annoying as you find them constantly bringing it up these problematic characters

Just because there’s a problem dosen’t mean they are immediately excluded. Granted, there have been a few exceptions. But apart from those with licesning problems, they’re going to find a solution eventually. Like I said these things take time.

Much like the timeline argument, people say that characters like Bing Bong or Adult Simba can’t come to the game because it could “disrupt the time stream” when they fail to acknowledge a few elephants in the room that say otherwise. @Wave9Nut has been telling us this for years and nobody would listen and they’re a dataminer for heaven sakes.

Overall, the bitter truth we have to face is the fact it’s not our job to decide who is included and who is not. I mean, we can make concepts, polls, and wish lists all the live long day. But ultimately, when all is said and done, wheither it be Bing Bong, Lighting McQueen, Twlight Sparkle, Abraham Lincoln, whatever, it is purely the decision of both Perblue and Disney down to the very core. How we respond to these decisions, THAT PART is entirely up to us.


Amen, well said! :clap: :clap: :clap:
But seriously, whoever comes to the game next, I’ll just have to welcome him/her with open arms, and whatever flaws he/she has inside and outside the battlefield, so long as it doesn’t go out of control, is fine by me.


The greatest annoyance in this community is a claim that a specific character can not be added based in personal resentment of that character.
Which has no influence on PerBlue or Disney’s decision making process.

There were multiple spam flood messages to get Yess added to the game and all that achieved was to make this entire community reject the proposal.
So based on that, it damages a request’s credibility if made too often.


I desperately wanted some more Turning Red Characters this year.

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Something is missing? Randy Cunningham aka The Ninja!

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What are they from?

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Yes. This exactly. Well put.


I really want Ladybug and Cat noir in the DHBM hero game

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Disney said no.

It won’t happen.


Well that’s just great now it’s down to Encanto, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Amphibia, Fantasia, and Inspector Gadget


I know right

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