Fnaf animatronics in update 1.2.1

Celebrating Fnaf Vr:Help wanted,we could add fnaf to DHBM

1.Freddy Fazbear

quotes: “Who wants some pizza snacks?”
Friendships: Freddy and merlin
Entrance: Freddy Walks slowly
Defeat: Freddy drops his microphone
Victory: Freddy throw a party in the battlefield
White:Mic toss
Freddy toss his Mic to stuns all enemies for 3.0 seconds
Freddy Scares the enemies for 5 seconds
Blue:healing party
Everytime he use “Mic toss” he gains a stack of party to heal 455 hp
Purple:Bash jam
Freddy does 76 damage for battling

2.Bonnie the bunny

Quotes: “we cannot capture the nightguard last night!”
Friendships:-Bonnie and Freddy
-Bonnie and Woody
Entrance: Bonnie appears from a stage
Defeat: Bonnie lost his face (just like withered bonnie)
Victory: Bonnie raise his guitar
White:Guitar smash
Bonnie plays guitar to take 21 damage
Bonnie jumpscares the farthest enemy for 8.0 seconds
Blue:Pizza rolls
Bonnie rolls 5 pizzas
Bonnie now gains 500 energy per rolls of pizzas in his “Pizza Rolls”


Quotes: “Laughs
Friendships:-JJ and Jessie
-JJ and Mike
Entrance: JJ was delivering Cupcakes
Defeat: JJ is upset
Victory: JJ throws some party confetti for a celebration
White:sneak through
JJ doge the enemies for 6 seconds
JJ runs to the enemies to decrease their attack speed for 5.0 seconds
Blue:Balloon attack
JJ unleashed a big balloon to deal 455 damage
Purple:raining Cupcakes
JJ rains Cupcakes to gain energy to all allies

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Reply to request more animatronics!

No, not gonna happen


Just to know.

What? (10 characters)


Sorry but… What???


These have no chance of making it in the game, but these are Unlikely Character Concepts… let’s review them:

Freddy Fazbear


Hero Role: Tank - Score: 1/1
Hero Position: unknown - Score: 0/1
Hero Team: unknown - Score: 0/1
Stars: 3 - Score: 2/2
Quote: “Who wants some pizza snacks?” - Score: 1/3
Image: A terrible cropped out background of Freddy Fazbear with a missing eye - Score: 1/2

Overall Score: 5/10 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

White Skill

Skill Name: “Mic Toss” - Score:2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Green Skill

Skill Name: “Jumpscare” - Score:2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Blue Skill

Skill Name: “Healing Party” - Score:2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Purple Skill

Skill Name: “Bash Jam” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:


Friendship Duo: Freddy and Merlin - Score: 1/1
Disc Name: unknown - Score: 0/1
Disc Boosts: unknown - Score: 0/8

Score: 1/10 :weary:



Hero Role: Support - Score: 1/1
Hero Position: unknown - Score: 0/1
Hero Team: unknown - Score: 0/1
Stars: 2 - Score: 2/2
Quote: “We cannot capture the night guard last night!” - Score: 1/3
Image: A terrible blacked-out background of a drawing of Bonnie - Score: 1/2

Score: 4/10 :neutral_face:

White Skill

Skill Name: “Guitar Smash” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Green Skill

Skill Name: “Jumpscare” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Blue Skill

Skill Name: “Pizza Rolls” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Purple Skill

Skill Name: “Eyeless” - Score 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:


Friendship Duos: Bonnie and Freddy | Bonnie and Woody - Score: 1/1
Disc Name: unknown | unknown - Score: 0/1
Disc Boosts unknown | unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 1/10 :weary:



Hero Role: Support - Score: 1/1
Hero Position: unknown - Score: 0/1
Hero Team: unknown - Score: 0/1
Stars: 2 - Score: 2/2
Quote: laughs - Score: 1/3
Image: A terrible cropped background of a blurred sprite of JJ - Score: 0/2

Overall Score: 4/10 :neutral_face:

White Skill

Skill Name: “Sneak Through” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Green Skill

Skill Name: “Jumpscare” - Score 1/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 1/10 :weary:

Notes: This should be a 2/10 but it’s the 3rd time you’ve used “Jumpscare” so it’s a -1.

Blue Skill

Skill Name: “Balloon Attack” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:

Purple Skill

Skill Name: “Raining Cupcakes” - Score: 2/2
Skill Description: unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 2/10 :unamused:


Friendship Duos: JJ and Jessie | JJ and Mike - Score: 1/1
Disc Name: unknown | unknown - Score: 0/1
Disc Boosts: unknown | unknown - Score: 0/8

Overall Score: 1/10 :weary:


I think giving the skill names 2/2 scores is a bit too generous. Some of them are a bit vague and/or tenuous and “Jumpscare” is straight-up copied across all of them

This is off topic since it need to be posted in unlikley charther concpets so it spam and should be removed

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I’m a nice person. Plus, it’s OP’s first Post and Concept made.

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Fair enough :slight_smile:


What is this anyways ?! Are these Disney characters ?!
It looks spooky :astonished:

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You’re right about spooky :no_mouth:

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No these are Fnaf characters by Scott
They are possessed by dead kids spirits
After they got murdered by purple guy so yea they’re not Disney lol

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Maybe with this art stylehttps://www.google.com/search?q=disney+freddy+fazbear&oq=di&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j69i60l2.1269j0j8&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=rh2Dy9NE52cY9M:

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What art? Letters?

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Seriously? You searched up “disney freddy fazbear”?! Freddy isn’t even Disney! The only reason you got results were because the part that says “freddy fazbear” caught the Google search emgines eye. The google search engine doesn’t take searches as a whole, but connect details. How do I know what you searched up? I copied the “image” onto the search bar. And there is no image btw

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Not only would this never happen because Disney doesn’t own it but Help Wanted Came out 2 months ago! And 1.2.1 was almost a year ago it would be 1.11.1

Yeesh, tone it down with the language and harshness there…

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