Free jasmine today... where is she?

We should have gotten Jasmine already. All they did was delay the content update, they never delayed Jasmine going into players’ mailboxes

I agree. Its already 14pm in perblue offices and for some people in the east of the world is already tuesday 24th of september and still no one has the free jasmine…

@Polaris can we have a reason why

Lol, y’all need to stop whining so much. We are getting a free character. Chill.


No one is whining. We are just asking when.

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@Meatsqueezer It’s not as simple as “complaining”. People just don’t like being lied to and I don’t blame them. I knew something was wrong when she wasn’t available at 5 in the morning like they claimed.
If you say a time, stick by it. If there’s a problem, let us know.


Polaris would probably reply if there was a issue but they have not so I’m guessing there making bus wait till they drop hetr.

Source? Because this is all I can find:

Jasmine will be released on those servers on Monday

As far as I can tell, it’s still Monday, so they’re still on track.

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I’m with @Jackal403. Find somewhere where Polaris said it would be ready at 5 am and I will shut up. Until then, I consider this unnecessary crying.

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It says new heroes but it doesn’t specify what it means by that is it referring to Jasmine? Is it referring to older Heroes? They can’t be referring to Jasmine because she’s supposed to come out today but if they’re talking about older Heroes why call them new? Idk
Regardless the people in this forum are just curious and want to know what’s going on, it may not be necessary to bicker but I don’t think it’s necessary to judge others distraught. Just don’t post anything and let people be curious.

That’s says 5 am sept 24. Today is the 23rd

@Meatsqueezer Lol yeah thanks… I already said it can’t be referring to Jasmine.
They should call it “Changed hero locations” and not “New hero locations” it just sounds a bit confusing.

Asking for information is fine. Statements like “what is the delay? We should have gotten her already? Why are we being lied too?” Are the ones I think are excessive, since perblue hasn’t actual broken any promise yet.

Can we just ask when we will get it today and leave it at that?

@Meatsqueezer I agree… but just let people be curious, naturally as time progresses people will get more anxious.

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