Don’t worry no one has red skills. They are bugged on S1 and regardless the heroes in the friend campaign don’t have red skills.
There is a bug where opponents in campaign are using red skills if that server is at red rarity. This could be why some people are having trouble with this friendship. It is a challenging one, but the red skills being used outside of server 1 could make it too difficulty for some players.
Red skills are working on server 1. The issue is they do not reflect correctly on the hero stats screen.
So does this mean there will be a fix? I know when my guild only two of us have been able to do it we are both in the top five on the server. The third person and fourth person that are in the top five on our server including number one on our server have not been able to get past this.
Yes. The red skills will be removed from those servers with the game update next week.
What the… The disk aren’t a day older and you maxed them?!?
Creed joys olaf disk is beatable. I think your in rays guild I walked him through how to beat it the other day. If you are indeed on server 16 pm me(same name as here) and I can give you the changes that need to be made from normal on your toons.
When you have enough speed missions and memory tokens it’s not so hard
Lmao! Wow. That’s crazy. Those 5 stars
Real talk was there a reveal in her freindship mission like with Scrooge and Gonzo