[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

S- Super jealous. But you basically had to pay to unlock them which is worse than this game so…

T - to true, SA sucks

U - U were supposed to do U :upside_down_face:

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V - VVhoops, my bad (I used two Vs to make a W lol)


W - Well I’m not doing X lol

X - X is the letter I am stuck with lol

Y - Yup, we are almost back to A

Z- Zooms galore in Quarantine

A - And how many times we went back to A?

B -'Bout 90

C - Can’t wait for the state of game and patch notes

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D - Discobot Fun is a fun thread

E - Easy to go with the alphabets

F - Fail (Defeat)

G - @Granjero_Marlin, sorry for @ ing you

H - Hercules flexes

I- @IAmSpongeYo (i can almost guarantee that no one did me before.)

J - @Judge_Olaf

K - Kermit is what I need

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L - let’s say pb says, “I’ll give you anything you want”, the. “Powerline, Gerald, and Sven, and who is kermit, Anna, and Kim possible?

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