U- U keep getting PMs with quotes of posts? Cause I do and it’s dumb. Please tell me I’m not the only one getting them.
V - Very dumb PMs recieved
W - Why do they do this?
Y - Y they do this… I don’t know
Z- Zhat is a great question. It is annoying and needs to stop though.
A - And also the spams happening every Saturday
B - But how?
C - Can just remove from PM lol
D - Do you think a spammer will return this weekend?
E - Eh, most likely. But at least the forums is no longer closing threads
F - Flagging posts is annoying though
G - Good that Polaris also prevent false flags from happening
H - Happiness noise
I - I am releasing my third episode soon! Please vote to change the story plot today! (Also, I am the evil queen in disguise! Bwhahahahaha!)
J - Just saying, you have “Prince” in your name and you call yourself “queen”
K -(Just) Kidding you
L - Lemmings are really cute
M - More TV show characters! But seems unlikely by the devs
N - NOW! More TV shows… NOW!!!
O - Or whenever, let’s not be picky