[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

Q - Quorra saps

R- Robin Hood heals

S - Sally gives poison

T - Tia Dalma was great in 2018, now not so much

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U - Unexpected character coming soon! Maximus.

V- Voice stealing Ursula is in the game

W- We need to acknowledge that a lot of heroes stun.

Y- Yax needs some serious buffing

Z - Zurg is a damage character

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A- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, another a

B - But I don’t know what she sounds like? :scream:

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C- Come on and watch the movie again

D - Don’t think I’ve ever seen it

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E- Egging you on to watch it

F - Five dozen eggs are egging on you to watch it.

G- Go watch it

H - How about we change the subject

I- I know


J - Jack Jack deals fantastic damage

K- King Louie throws bananas

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