W - What about taking it easy? You can release your valentine concept later on, this month.
X - X stands for no
Y - Y.
Z - Zootopia
Because I haven’t make a concept in 11 weeks. And I’m very excited to show my Valentines surprise concept.
A - Alright,fineeee.
B- B autocorrects to V
C - Concepts are fun to make
D-Delightfully fun to make. (I need to finish Voyd, oh heck)
E - Emmett Brown and Mary Poppins are the submissions I have to finish…
F- for perblue: please refresh kim
G- Great idea! The beta heroes also could use a refresh.
H - Huh, I don’t remember Kim being a beta hero.
I- I know they are not, but they, along with Kim could use a refresh
J - Journalism
I misread it and yeah Kim needs a refresh. But, she’s like the Beta Heroes, they’re terrible.
K- Kim looks cool at least
L-Looks can be deceiving
N - No… hides secret
O - Overpowered, Cheshire is
P - Pussycat Power!