[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

L - Let’s take a minute to appreciate Ben Swolo

M - More like next Friday…

N- Nah… Kim’s Refresh is being delayed by :thinking:… 18 Months!!! :grin:

O - Oh, along with Drakken release!

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P- Procrastination and PB are great friends!

Q - Question: Who will come in Friday’s patch? :thinking:

R - Rino

Probably another toy story character :thinking:

S - So excited to release my concept, but I’m gonna have school in-person soon :triumph:

T - Tomorrow is Thursday…

U - Utapau system

V - Very long time since I unmuted this thread…

W - What? I thought it’s Thursday today :dizzy_face:

X- X stands for X

Y - Yours Truely

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Z-Zat is ze end of ze alphabet vonce more!

A - Alright, Dr. Scratchansniff. (Don’t know why he was the first person I thought of when I read your comment, but that’s what I’m going with.)

B-But I don’t know what to say de monkes won do?

C - Concept coming later today…

D - Desde ahora se que puedo poner Gifs en las Biografias

E - English, I speak

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