Q - Question, from Peter pan?
R - Right now, no, from Madagascar. The old lady that beats up Alex for no reason, lol. LGDB has been wanting me to do it for a while
S - Super! Can’t wait!
1 Like
T -
U - Understanding Endgame is almost 2 years old is pretty wild. Still feels like it came out yesterday.
V - Very old, I feel
1 Like
W - who pinged me? Oh actually I saw
1 Like
X - X is in the end of
Y - Yes
Z - Zipzopzap? Idk
A - Awful Fortnite
B - Bad game
1 Like
C - Chibi Robo
D - Ded
E - Elon Musk
F - Frog
G - Gravity Falls
H - Happy Feet
I - Imp
J - Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius