[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

M - Maybe not :neutral_face:

I bet N is No…

N- Nah, how about we scare @Giosphere? :grin:

O- Or maybe Myeong is more stronger that NotDash?

P - Perblue be like :money_mouth_face:


Q- Quote: Money is the most important thing, the rest we will see when the money is generated.

R - Really, money makes PB a company

S -

T - @TotallyNotMimikyu

U - U are an alt @TotallyNotMimikyu?

V- vvell, maybe that’s my alt… :upside_down_face:

W - Weally? I had no idea!!!

Y- Y is for Microsoft

Z - Zoom zoom


B - Blue is my favorite color

C- Continue Suffering Myeong… :smiling_imp:

D - :dagger:

E- :email:

F - Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Seriously, stop giving me the opportunity to use “F” lol.

G - Great :expressionless:

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