E - Ehehehehe, @MissingLure
F - Friday Night Funkin’
G - Gah, I missed my opportunity for “F”…
H - Hahahahaha
I - I hate it when it does that.
J - Just what?
K - Koala
General text, you are a bold one.
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L - Lol
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M- Mate, please no double Posting letters…
N - No, Just monika!
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O - Oh no…
P - Possibly Monika + Aamir?
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Q - Quilt
Prince Monikaamir?
R - Really hoping to get a new concept out on Monday for my birthday.
S - So, who is it gonna be
T - Typing this for later…
U - (A) UTuber I really like.
That was the best I got for that one.
V - Vibranium
When you know who it is already…
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W - Wish I can make a concept on like on Dream or Mr. Beast lol
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X - X, why do I always get stuck with X…