[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

H - Humongous

I - Itty-bitty (living space).

J- Just kidding???

K - Kidding?

L - Like Among Us?

M - Mongus Fungus Amongus Enormous

N - Never heard of humongus eitherā€¦

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O - Onomatopoeia

P - Please clean up the mess on aisle 6

Q - Question: What is aisile 6?

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R - Rrrrrr- search it up

S - So, when we will get this topic to reach 10K replies?

T - T-Minusā€¦ a year?

U - Ummā€¦ Sure. That wonā€™t take too long.

V - :vampire:

W- Why vampire

skipping X

Y - Y? Because V

Z - :zap:

Iā€™m trying to find something that starts with V

A- And we start all over again

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B - Beluga whale

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