[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

D - Dogs and cats should be added in this game, 3 years and none added, shame!

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E - Eeyore is in this game!!! Wow!!! :scream:

F - Fatigue blocks HOT, this makes Fairy a bit weak(er) than she should be.

G - Gurdy Hurdy!

H - Hurdy Gurdy

I - :ice_cream:

J - :japan:

Can I have the ice cream? Please? :yum:

K- :kangaroo:

L- Letā€™s hope I can get one more hero I donā€™t have in DHBM which is John Sliver. Maybe I might get him as one of the heroes for free in the anniversary just like Barley.

M- My favorite character is Ian Lightfoot y Barley Lightfoot

N - :nauru:

O - :oden:

P- @Pawpsicle :((

Q - @Queen_of_Harmony

R- @Rat

S - @Spicyboi

T- @TotallyNotMimikyu

U - @Umidius

V - Very, very suspiciousā€¦

W- @WhoAmI?

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