[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

K - Kay.

Meanwhile, my sister is making her Roblox character “poop” repeatedly in a fairy-school game.

L- Let’s wait for @Myeong :thinking:

M - @Myeong :woozy_face:

N - Not gonna @ @Myeong

O - Oh you did

P- Please, stop @ @Myeong
(/jk, continue)

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Q - Questioning my actions, huh? Whatever. I still won’t @ @Myeong

R- Really @Myeong? :man_facepalming:

S - See the notifications of how many @‘s @Myeong will receive lol

T- Tell you one thing Up to this point it is possible that Myeong has silenced this topic

U - Utterly disappointed in us @Myeong? Sorry :cow2:

V- Very Disappointed With @Myeong

W - Where is @Myeong?

X- X’s out @Myeong’s avatar

Y - Why are you asking for @Myeong?

Z - :zebra:

A- Amogus A empezar de nuevo

B - BlackBOY sus

C- Can we stop @ing @Myeong? :pleading_face:

D - Don’t count on it


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