[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

V - Very sus

W - Where.

X - Xplain

Y - Y should I, it speaks for itself.
Also I’m taking up too many spots I’m done with the Amogus bit for now

Z - Zat is fair

A - Amogus
















B - :black_flag:

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C - Caribbean



F - Farquaad: because that kinda looks like him

G - germany :de:

H -

I - :iphone:

J- :black_joker:

K - :crown:

L- LoL

M - :mushroom:

N - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Edit: I’m once again sorry about this

O - :octopus:

Hmmm… this YouTube link doesn’t start with N :thinking:

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