L - @love_meee
T - Today was the Xbox and Square presentations, what did you guys think if you watched it?
U - Uhh… Rocket from the Square Enix’s Guardians of the Galaxy game kinda reminds me of Master Shifu from Kung Fu Panda lol
V- Very agreeable, I’m hype for Slime Rancher 2 and RedFall looks pretty cool. Also, they actually made the XBox Mini Fridge!
W - Well, the only console I have is an X-Box 360
X - X-Box 360? I have the same console.
A (skipping Z) - After watching the XBox presentation, I’m thinking about leaving Sony stans and entering Microsoft enjoyers.
B - Bummer cause I have an Xbox one
C - Can you please use the same format as everyone else?
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E - Ethiopia