[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

D - Dante and Lloyd Irving (I hope)

Edit: This aged poorly

E - Eh who is it? A Zelda character? :woozy_face:

F - Funny, but no. It’s a Tekken character

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G - Genshin should have had a rep. :angry:

H - Heihachi is a Mii—

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I - Insert Text Here

J - :musical_note: Jump up in the air! :musical_note:

K - K…

:musical_note: Jump up, don’t be scared! :musical_note:

L- Lol, I’ma break the darn singing chain :rofl:

M- Mayonnaise

Was there a singing chain? well I’ll keep breaking it

N - Not really tbh. :sweat_smile:

N - Not now

:musical_note:Somebody told me

O- :open_mouth:

Double N’s? :sweat_smile:


P - @Prince-Aamir

I was doing N first!

Q - @Queen-Aamir is @Prince-Aamir’s mom

R - Ready for the end of E3 coming up?

S - @Snuffleluffagus

T - @TotallyNotDash

U - @Uiabird

V - @venom_killer

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