B - Be a good forumer
C- Can anyone tell Pb , we need kim , kermit anna , Are they listening to us?
D - Dear Perblue, WE NEED KIM!
E-Enjoying this thread immensely
F - Fabulous Forums!
G-Goal of pb is to just earn money not fulfil our wishes
H - Happy Milkshake
I-Immensely enjoyable people and threads in this fabulous forums
J - Just been inactive right now
K- Kermits big fan is again here
L - Lame characters
M- Mulan is OP
N - nitro
O - Oh! Gotcha Pb cant prepare a proper skillset of kim
P - Passive skill
R - Regular badge which I’ve lost
S- So why and how did u lost that badge?
T - totally clueless.
U- Umm Ask Someone?about why did u lost dat