T - Today you are Dash, tomorrow you are Sussy Dash-Baka
V - Very cringe
W- Why me? I just died.
X - X_X?
Then why are you still here?
Y- Yo, I’m a ghost and I will haunt ya
Z- Zorro
A - Ah ok, excuse me while I call Luigi and the ghostbusters
B- Bro, I’m in a meeting right now
C - Call only Luigi, these new Ghostbusters are questionable until I see the new movie
D- Do you know that Luigi needs to somehow get on the space ship?
E - Exactly how does he? Through the new Rabbids game of course! He’s got a space ship in that game
F- F for me
G- Great NotDash, don’t letting Myeong write Fire Embled
H- Haha, someone named Scamdemic just died
I - I think you should edit it and turn it into Fire Emblem Dash just to spite him
J- Just no, Dash is not so troll… Right?
K- Kan I not?
L - Let that be completely up to you
M- May… Now let’s hope I get Imp