[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2) ONLY K! (Part 2)

K- Kilos

Shh :shushing_face:


The original

The game is that we start with the letter A and end with the letter Z, in alphabetical order.
We write one name per post; of everything related to DHBM (game, forums, or forum users).
After letter Z we going back again to letter A, over and over again.

double, triple, more posting, or wait for someone!

Q, V, X and Y can ignored if someone finds it difficult, thereā€™s not much choice apart from users, but everyone still can pick something

Letā€™s beginā€¦

L - Linguini

Umm. no, wait for my thread.



Exacly When

Hey guys! I bet you canā€™t make a sentence without the letter A!

You thought you just did something there, didnā€™t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.


You know, I did not think it could be done, but you proved me wrong. Well done, my good sir.

(You got the reference Damon was making, right?)

K - kusM

i find it interesting your comment doesnā€™t include the first letter of the English lexicon

Neither does your sentence, good sir.

Oh look, the mysterious flying orb!

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