[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

N - Ngl maybe we could stop @‘ing @Myeong… sorry I’m drunk again

O- Oh, don’t worry for that

P - please one more time… never mind


Q - Question: Does @Myeong like FEH

R - Really obviously for what @Myeong would answer

S- Stay quiet… @Myeong could be here

T - TotallyNot@ing @myeong

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U- U know why we are @Ing at @Myeong and not another Forumer?

V- very @Myeong

W - Who’s @Myeong?

X- x @Myeong

Y - Yes @Myeong

Z- zan @Myeong

A - Ahh… because irony @Myeong

B - Break the chain of @'s

C - CRrrrrrr! @Myeong still wants to be pinged, hehe, TotallyNotLying :wink:

D - Dang it, Pawps! :angry:

E - Eh


(Okay let’s stop :sweat_smile:)

F - Fine

G- Guoba.

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