[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

H - hacked Dash

I- Increase

J - Joke is Dash he is broken

L- lom j

M - Mad that they revealed Sakurai’s presentation on the final Smash DLC early!!! :rage:


N- nowadays

O - Okay, I kind of figured people were going to start @'ing me after I said that, but I wasn’t expecting to have 27 total notifications as a result. :sweat_smile:


P - Pretty surprised you were @Myeong

Q - Quit pinging @Myeong

R - Red (Taylor’s Version) comes out next month whooooooooo

S - So we should tell @Myeong about this?

T- this isn’t a great :confused:

U - ur right

V- vbonus in

W - Wdym? V-bucks?

V - V-Bucks? Ok then.

Y - Yah
 why are there two V’s?


Z - zen cows on the farm


A - Ayyy! ayyyy-300x180

B - Being excited for October 5

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