[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

Y - Yo I’m back

Z - :zimbabwe:

How many songs are there usually per Pokemon game? If we’re counting all of the different versions of each song, a typical FE game can have anywhere from 70 to 100 songs (and potentially more) in it.

A - :apple:

I realized that this is not the place to make friends so I’m using it as a place to just hopefully have fun :sunglasses:

B- bun

C - Can’t believe today started as being the best day of my life to the worst day of my life

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D- dang…

E - Emblem makes better music than modern Pokémon, what can I say? For those that wonder I consider modern Pokémon Gen 6-present

F - For real, though. Fates, Echoes, and 3H all had some amazing songs.

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T - Too many characters

H - How we go from F to T :woozy_face:


I - I think you mistook H and F :woozy_face:

@The_Pascal_King don’t reply to old posts…

J - Just edit your comment to start with an H and we can pretend like nothing happened.


K- @Karma_Violet

L- legshhshdhe

M - @Mr_but

N- @Nutshell

O - @Oogie_Boogie_LVI

P- philosophy

Q - @Quiter

R- @RunForMyDog

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