[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

A - Allay won on Saturday let’s go!!!

B - b

C- confusion

D - delicious great

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E- exactly

F - Fire :fire:

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G- Guns :slight_smile:

H- :hamburger:

I - I am arsonist. I am a pyromaniac. I love fire.


J - Jeez, I think I’ll be scared of you from now on


K - ‘Kay, I understand. Anyways your house is on fire.

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L - Lol, very funny- wait what?!

M - Mwah hah hah hah hah

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N - Now i have nowhere to live
What have you done :angry:

O - Obviously, I burned your house down.


P- Perhaps if you turn On Fire the Cannon they can Shot Fire Balls :thinking:


Q - Queen of Hearts should execute you

R - Really? Huh. Interestingly, she was the one who told me to burn your house down.

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S- Something comes to my mind… How Djaq turn things on Fire… Djaq?

T - Terrifying question. I use various materials to execute my purpose as an arsonist.

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