[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

A- Ah! @LetsGetDangerousBro is a traitor for stopping the chain!


B - Bad Sand!

C - Cannon likes Y-sand


D - Dang, just realized that it still says “1 bag of X sand” at the bottom

E- ehe

F- For Christmas you will get it


G- Good

H- “Hello World”

I- I will throw sand at Cannon to end pollution.

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J- Just checking, did @TheCannonCart get his Christmas gift?

K- Key, Yes of course

L - @LetsGetDangerousBro we attempting a revival?

M - My sand thrower Dash has hid all the sand passes already

N- No please Cannon Don’t have the anti sand passes


O- Okay, have a free sand pass for Christmas, it guarantees a day of no sand.

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P- Pineapple on Pizza says that the sand pass you gave to him is unofficial

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Q- Quit it, it’s Christmas, let him have it just this day

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R- Ruh oh. Your sand pass didn’t work.

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S - So that means your Dash pass failed too. You can no longer dash, you can only TotallyNot

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T- TotallyNot

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