[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

B - @Big_chungus

C- @Clint_Eastwood

D - @Disney-Hope

E - @Enormous_Member

F- @Feel_Good

G - @Giosphere

H - @Heros_Porcinet_XCIX

I - Itā€™s me! (Broke @'s chain)

J- Just another person who break the chain again

K - Kewlness

L- loling out loud

M- Mars needs moms doesnā€™t exists

N- no resurrections this time

O - @Ok_boomer

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P- @Pencil_Sharpener

Q - @Quietly_Trying

R- @Rainbow_Phoenix

S- @Sus_II

T- @TuppsterJack

U - Uhhhhhhhhhhā€¦.

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