[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Part 1)

I- I think you mean sasuke tier?

J - Just why is there’s two C’s? :dizzy_face:

K - @Kaezer

L- Like

M - Minecraft

N- nobody but thorn is campaigning, can sombody else campaign for president?

Presidential vote

O- Ommmm

P- pineapple on pizza is bad

Q- Quarantine

r-rescue me paw patrol!

S- stop singing!

T- That

U- universes have been crushed by my demon form

U= under way

V- victory against the demons!

W- what are we waiting for?

W- we have already won. When me and dash made that alliance we immediately started planning our attack against the mortal world. The demons are already taking over you world. Would you like to explain stage 2 of the plan to this foolish mortal @TotallyNotDash?

X - X-Ray

Could you please not post multiple comments in a row in this thread? Wait for someone else to make a comment before commenting again.

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X- xyotal is a name for a demon

Ok then I didn’t see what was happening so

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