[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! The Meowvanion! (v7.0) (Part 1)

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Well, I’ll start by explaining the basics? :thinking:

Unlike other forum games, it’ll operate with a turn-based system, instead of anyone acting at any time, or a day/night cycle.

There are like 5 posts in between those 2 messages

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Infringiendo daño con daño

  1. This doesn’t start with 1
  2. Let’s do zero
  3. one is overrated

A big part of gameplay will be the world map. It’ll start as maybe 6x6 or 7x7, for simplicity’s sake, but it’ll probably end up being around 10x10 once everyone’s spread out.

anyways, burger king time :wave:

I don’t see the double post

Forum is broken


Players will be able to build improvements on each tile on the map, like settlements, forts, camps, roads, etc. And tiles can have terrain like deserts or mountains as well.

Mostaza, hamburguesas en serio


The game will be sort of similar to a light pen and paper RPG, actually.

This started sounding a little like Fire Emblem until you mentioned this:



What’s talking Pawp?


Here’s the basic concept:

One-off game with emergent storytelling, family lines, and long-term effects.

Basically, it’ll start with one generation on a mostly empty, unexplored map. And over time they’ll change and shape it, building villages that grow into cities, changing the landscape, and other things.

Did someone say 50 bucks… :heart_eyes:

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