[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! The Meowvanion! (v7.0) (Part 1)

Excuse me!!! :anguished:

Little Mac is the worst character in Smash Ultimate

That sounds like a McDonalds food xD
(Maybe for kids)

The Enchantress

So good in chase and decent support, very much amazing.

Tier: A- :crown:

What’s the matter if I become Musk? :d

You’re banned

Okay, enough stuff thrown at BlackBOY for today~

Tell that to @Rinoxer0nte

Muskeeter become Latin American


Trash… one of the worst supports… your letters do nothing :frowning::unamused:

Tier: D—— :unamused:

Oh yes

Who is Postman?

Maybe a Man who Post? :smiley:


You have the right to throw something at me or throw me to someone

be nice or :black_flag:

I preffer :black_flag: because It’s Black :smiley:


Support character with useless buffs… so trash :laughing:

Yes, my logic is splendid

You know postman orrr? :boom:

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