[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! The Meowvanion! (v7.0) (Part 1)

A dragon apple

Like you show screenshots, I show screenshots

Let’s play a game :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Create a valid word with the following letters!!!

S e f g t e g h a i

In 30 seconds those who can’t are pushed off simp cliff!! :unamused:

Yup… :thinking:

Wow, how many insults can people come up with :face_with_head_bandage:

What about Rule of Law :frowning:

Its back to normal

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You are a dummy

Looks like everyone gonna get pushed :worried::worried:

That made up singer you keep on praising that I forgot their name?

It’s always Djaq. Not me.


And that is a pretty soft one

Everyone got pushed!!! :unamused:

I sentence him to 6 months of community service!

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@mean @lure

How bored i am

I thought I got the answer correct

Djaq is banned as he is stuck cleaning the lounge for next 6 months.


@Rude @Lure


I thought Aamir was Pawps lol

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