[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! The Meowvanion! (v7.0) (Part 1)


Nobody understands

What else is new? :upside_down_face:

I understand musk, I understand battle against foxes now :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand:t4:

Foxes and cats are both cute. :cry:


The foxes are constantly destroying dogs and cats, always cut out the toxin… which is foxes


Of course… facts.

But some weird flying people says that ants are cute :confused:

Never heard that.

Raccoons and possums are cute tho

Raccoons yes…

Other… eh :woman_shrugging:t2:

This was great.

You have a lot of screenshots…

Please complete my hidden challenge

Any hints as to where it’s hidden?

Correction, I simply copy link of a lot of images on web* :house_with_garden:

No… it’s secret.

Well, ok.


And paste them here

Posts posts posts

Oh I get it, paste is like gluing something, so we are pasting :relaxed::raised_hand:t4:

Who knows where I am??

Somewhere in Poland?

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