A unreleased (and hopefully upcoming) boss in invasion.
Oh it’s that bomber guy (forgot what he was called)
Well then, king louie’s ancient temple ruins come falling onto the creep
Sally poisons the creep
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Bo Peep calls in the sheep and blinds the enemy
Goofy uses his discoball to extend the blind
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Kaa and jafar hypnotize the creep and then smack the creep
Judy jump kicks the creep
Jafar hits the creep!
…with sandstorm
Merlin turns the creep into a squirrel
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Yzma turns creep into a Llama
Genie turns creep into duck
Elsa turns the creep into an ice sculpture
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Ralph wrecks the creeps
Flynn uses his algorithm and finds the weakest hero/creep is an enemy. He deals damage
Hades burns the creep
The hydra appears and eats the creep
The black pearl shoots cannonballs at the creep
throws cringe at the creep