This damages creep
The creep has sympathy pain
Robo Pooh shoots creep with laser eyes
Jack-Jack uses his laser eyes
Anger about homeschooling damages the creep
Muscle Mothra: Awaken my muscles!
Kevin McCallister sets of booby traps to the creep.
Creep touchs a heated doorknob, burning it’s hand.
The burglars from Home Alone (forgot their names) steal from the creep
They are Harry and Marv. Anyway, the spider went to the creep’s face and screams.
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Peter Pan duels the creep
Captain Hook duels the creep
Tinker Bell blinds the creep
Nana barks at the creep
Flynn Rider shows his smolder
Disgust crushes Flynn Rider’s smolder then attacks the creep
Cheshire cat damages the creep
Alice becomes enormous
Queen of Hearts attacks creep
Palps (palpatine) shocks the creep