[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v1.2.1)

I transfer my back pain to the creep

Heā€™s cool, but others have to win.

@Irrer-Minnie double-posted, guys. :clap:

I must get no. 4!

Give it dash!

Minnie goes to bed. Deals damage

Imagine having Bill getting eliminated before Lumiere lol

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But was clever enough to delete one. :yum:

Barley? Lilo? Daisy? Lumiere?

Iā€™ll give it if Djaq doesnā€™t get mad if Bill and Frollo are eliminated in LGDBā€™s elimination game

:pensive: I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get top 5

I still wonder how Lumiere and Della are still in the gameā€¦

Imagine hating on Bill just because of Yesss, who was not even a major character in the movie

Never give up!

Doofenshmirtzā€™s bratwurst damages the creep

I will give you up

But the coolest though!

Haha, thanks, I needed that :smiley:


Iā€™m board

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Minnie rickrolls to damage the creep


Ferbā€™s insane rapping damages the creep

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