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Here comes Count Olaf, throw the rice pilaf
I never knew that Olaf was a vampire…
This damages the creep
Not that Olaf
Stefano stabs the creep with a knife
Olaf and Anna are in Smash but not Elsa, this damages the creep
Captain Sham feeds the creep to the Lachrymose Leeches
I think I remembered watching that movie long ago…
Deja Vu damages the creep
The movie is awful, the Netflix series is fantastic
Shirley St. Ives offers the creep cookies
Successful Netflix adaptation damages the creep (even though I don’t watch the show)
Coach Genghis makes the creep run laps
YouTube recommendations damages the creep
YouTube videos deal damage
Gunter auctions of the creep to the pain asylum
Batman damages the creep
Detective Dupin throws the creep in jail
New Team Level deals damage
Dr. Matthias Medicalschool performs craniectomy on the creep
Maths homework deals damage