[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v1.2.1)

Mim hits the enemy with her broom

Merlin sends one of his books to harm the enemy, dealing damage

the creep got big hit from the lack of patch notes

creep melts from acid

The liquid creep drains into the ocean where Gerald barks at it.

A group of seagulls attack the creep

the creep wants to upgrade a mod but it doesn’t have enough mod power and starts crying

creep becomes trapped in a phone and I randomly tap in it which damages the creep

The creep became so mad that the patch notes are only about the cap raises, damaging itself

throws atomic bomb at the creep

Mulan launches fireworks to the creep

Quorra zooms past the creep with her light cycle

Tron throws his disc at the enemy

An op, rushed hero with no thought put into it attacks the creep.

Creep realizes that there is thought in it, bad thoughts.

While distracted Mulan slices the creep with her sword

Since the creep is a bug, Timon and Pumbaa took a bite. Not quiet good but at least the creep took damage

A boosted Nancy gets downed but the pallet still drops on the creep

Kristoff calls in Sven, and Sven does damage to the creep

*Hiro calls Megabot and MB spins, hitting the creep.

Jasmine calls Rajah

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