[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v1.2.1)

So did Linguini

Tiana offers the creep beignets

This text is too small to read which damages the enemy


This TEXT is SO BIG it hurts the creep’s eyes.


Creep is confused on how you can do that

Please, teach me.

You beat me to it lol.

The creep buys glasses to read the small text, then returns the glasses so it can read the big text. The creep realizes it wasted its money

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The Creep tries to read this text, but it can’t since it is crossed out

The Creep takes damage due to the extreme heat

How did you made the text bigger?

Scrooge throws a coin at the creep.

Blue text scares the creep
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The creep thought this was a link, damaging itself

The almighty powerful single # with a space inbetween!

This text hurts the creep’s eyes damaging it

The creep is confused at how small this text is

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*The creep is confused at how it can’t see thus text

The creep needs to use a microscope, but doesn’t have enough money to buy it, damaging itself

•?((¯°·..• 丅нέ 𝐜яẸẸρ ί𝓈 𝕔ㄖηFย𝓢EĎ в𝓨 ᗩlL Ŧh𝓔 𝕨ẸⒾ𝓻∂ 𝓉𝓔乂𝓣 •..·°¯))؟•

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Krader throws a huge rockball to the enemy


Very large text damages creep

A hour of inactivity damages the creep

And… we’re back!

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