Discobot says “hi” damaging the creep
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
The removed Monitored icon attack the creep with its pointer
This is still going?
The creep tries to understand who called Discobot here, damaging itself
The creep wonders if using discobot is legal in the game
Animal speeds us up to damage the creep
With newfound speed, Rapunzel uses her frying pan to strike the creep.
the creep is happy about not dying, and in fact it has still 300HP
Joker laugh with the creep, scaring and damaging it
This will take a while… is there a time limit?
2 days left
Uses the Tardis to travel back in time by 2 days
We might need some extra effort to K.O. it in time
90 minute classes tire out the creep.
The teacher scolds the creep
Homework overwhelms the creep.
المشاركات بلغة أجنبية للتشويش على الزحف
The enemy is confused because it can’t understand Arabic
póstar á erlendu tungumáli til að rugla skrið aftur
The creep wonders if those phrases are translated through Google Translate