Corey the Manticore attacks the creep with her scorpion tail
No, I’m not
*Throws a red shell at creep. Then rams it with a star. Dealing 90,000 damage. *
Creep zooms in to see the gif
Makes gif bigger so a bigger shell hits the creep
creeps eyes gets hurt (same as mine)
The creep needs to take more damage to lose all its health. This will remove 1 HP
The emus runs over the enemy
Ostriches run over the creep
Jack Skellington throws a pumpkin
Sally throws a jar of deadly nightshade
Oogie Boogie scares the creep
Sulley scares the creep
Major Nixel hits the enemy with the thumbs down stop sign
Megavolt shocks the creep
Ian shrinks the creep
I already did that, but that is ok.
Spammers annoy the creep.
Oh I didn’t know that. Sorry : I could delete that if you want
the game crashing annoys the creep
Do not worry about it! It is not against the rules to repeat my friend! I am not mad at all
Spammers continue to annoy the creep.
Oh, ok!
The creep couldn’t find any toilet paper at the store so it Paniks.