[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v2.0.1)




no. we have to collect all six stones.

You must solve the puzzle first

oh, so are you making a puzzle now?

i mean yes, but

look at this clue

we have to strategize who takes what stone

drakken (me) = mind stone
djaq = space stone
gio = time stone
dash = power stone
irrer = reality stone
and all of us take soul

This is the puzzle


puzzles work better, i like your idea more.


That’s a ton of puzzles…

we’re so close

it has to be hiro. but why hiro?

70 replies close

Dealing damage

we can do this

multitasks to bring Imagineer’s life back while trying to kill creep.

what does the clue mean

we still don’t know that, but we think it’s hiro

I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be Hiro…

myeong thinks it could be wade

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